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Tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, sculpts and flattens the belly for a more elegant silhouette when diet and exercise are not having an effect. The procedure repairs separated stomach muscles and reduce the chance of hernias by strengthening the core. A tummy tuck is the best option for women dealing with sagging skin, excess fat, and lax muscles.

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Mini Tummy tuck

A mini tummy tuck contours the region above the pubic hairline for issues such as a bulge above a C-section scar. This is a powerfully minimally invasive approach to flattening your tummy when you do not have excessive skin or need a boost when your weight loss journey has plateaued. Because a petite tuck doesn’t require general anesthesia, recovery is generally no longer than one week.

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Liposuction permanently removes a layer of fat underneath the skin through a small hollow tube known as a cannula. This body sculpting solution is perfect for stubborn areas resistant to diet and exercise, such as the belly, love handles, thighs, and bra rolls. Liposuction is often combined with other procedures, such as tummy tucks, for comprehensive shaping.

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High-def lipo

This advanced liposuction technique deliberately accentuates stomach muscles for those with good muscle tone and lean body composition. By selectively suctioning fat at variable depths on top of and around the muscle, you can achieve an “etched” appearance with minimal downtime.

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Mommy makeover

A mommy makeover is not one set surgical procedure; instead, the term refers to a curated selection of body procedures to restore your physique after significant weight fluctuations such as childbirth. The most popular surgeries included in a mommy makeover target the breasts, tummy, waist, and vaginal region. By tailoring this procedure to your specific needs, Dr. Pratt can help you reclaim your confidence with naturally beautiful results.

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Labiaplasty contours abnormally large vaginal lips, which are called the labia. Problems associated with labia enlargement include physical discomfort and pain with intercourse, in addition to causing psychological issues such as self-consciousness. The procedure trims away excess skin for a tighter and more pleasing aesthetic appearance.

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Body contouring after weight loss

After losing significant weight, you may be left with loose skin and other undesirable effects. Body contouring after weight loss can remove excess skin on the stomach, breasts, lower back, arms, and thighs to highlight your hard work.

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Brazilian butt lift

When you want a firm and lifted butt and have excess fat in another body area, a Brazilian butt lift is a perfect solution. Fat is harvested from elsewhere, such as your belly, before being strategically injected into the buttocks during the procedure. Dr. Pratt is a consummate professional providing butt lift results that appear naturally elegant for a stunning silhouette.

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Arm lift

An arm lift removes excess skin caused by aging, weight loss, or genetics. The procedure removes sagging skin and excess fat from the armpit to the elbow, and the remaining skin is repositioned and contoured for a slim silhouette. An additional benefit to an arm lift is that it highlights the hard work you’ve put in at the gym!

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Thigh lift

The skin on your things can lose elasticity and change in texture and appearance. A thigh lift tightens, tones, and reshapes the thigh by removing excess skin and fat. The procedure is paired with liposuction to provide better contouring and maximize the amount of skin available for reshaping. Dr. Pratt can help you understand the difference between the three available thigh lift methods, which accomplish different aesthetic goals.

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Why choose Dr. Pratt for body procedures in Charlotte, NC?

Dr. Pratt has raised the bar for exceptional patient care and astounding results. His ability to connect with each patient on a level that is professional and informative yet so relaxed is a style that is distinctly his own and leaves a lasting impression. 

Dr. Broc Pratt instills an empowering sense of confidence in his patients with an approachable demeanor, uncompromising commitment to safety, and a tireless drive to deliver unparalleled results. Choosing Dr. Pratt for body procedures is the best way to ensure you get the desired results.

Photo of Charlotte Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Pratt
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